Psalm 118:24

"This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

30 Days of Thankful -- Day 16

Personal --
I'm so thankful that God's going to give me the strength for today, because I'm so tired!  We have ballet this afternoon and Tae Kwon do this evening, we are busy!  I dread Tuesday each week, but at the end of the day, I think, "This Tuesday wasn't so bad."

School/Work --
Thankful to have been home to get our taxes done!

Church --
Thankful that the heat was working ok last night during our bible study!  (It's the little things sometimes!)

Family --
I'm thankful that our new fish, King Big Fin, the Explorer, survived his first night as a member of the Bang family!  The kids would have been very sad to have to flush him this morning....

Have a blessed rest of the day!

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